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B4RN launch 10 Gbps service and give it free to primary schools

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Are you finding your usual internet is a little slow at present having to share your connection with the neighbours?

B4RN’s normal service is 1000 Mbps up and down with no sharing your connection speed with the neighbours so will always be super fast! Now though B4RN is launching a higher tier service 10 times faster than their normal one! I have no idea why you would NEED this speed, but I wouldn’t say no if offered. Some businesses may make use of this, it shows how well B4RN build their networks and how they are future-proofed since speeds like this are a rarity around the world!

Also note this amazing speed will be available completely FREE for our primary schools getting connected through the project! I wonder what they’ll do with it.

Get signed up for a government voucher at

Check out our newly updated FAQ in the MENU above as a clearer map too, which shows each individual part of the B4NTR project.

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