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Upcoming Villiage Hall Update Meetings!!!

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You all should have received an envelope with our briefing pack on your doorsteps this week detailing all the recent information about B4TNR and soon we have meetings coming up to explain all!

We will be holding FOUR public meetings in February where David Ryall from B4RN will be here to talk to us.

Topics covered will include Project Progress, Voucher Scheme, Opportunity to Invest, Ray Windfarm Fund CIC and Vattenfall support, Roll Out and Questions.

Tues Feb 11th – Woodburn Village Hall
Wed Feb 12th – Barrasford Village Hall
Tues Feb 18th – Birtley Village Hall
Wed Feb 19th – Kirkwhelpington Memorial Hall

All meetings start at 7:30 pm

Again, we’re looking forward to starting to build our network this year and with your help, we can!

Remember we need people to sign up for Government vouchers to help fund the build of the project.

Check out the details below and sign-up at the B4RN website…

Remember, we’re giving out cash grants (paid on connection) as a perk to encourage you to sign up for these vouchers.

B4RN will pay…
Residential properties £150
Businesses get £300 (Sole Trader and Up)!

Paid on connection, Residents do need to also pay a £150 connection fee, but businesses get this for free!

As per the government voucher T&Cs. All residences wishing to take part in the scheme must sign up for 12 months service, but we don’t apply any early exit fees if you change your mind!

See if you class as a business – Government Voucher T&C’s below

All welcome, we hope you to see you there!

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Ken Hargreaves

    Hi No information pack has arrived. Thanks

    1. admin

      Hey Ken I’m glad you let us know info packs went to eligible properties between Chollerton, Corsenside and Wallington. We’re working our way up certainly to Otterburn and we’d love to see volunteers to take it beyond there.

      1. Ken Hargreaves

        Thanks for the information. I do hope you get to Elsdon. ?

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