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We are coming! Kirkwhelpington & Woodburn

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We are very excited to announce that once the Barrasford build has been completed B4RN will be heading to the Kirkwhelpington and Woodburn areas.

As the Barrasford build continues we are also gearing up to prepare the Kirkwhelpington and Woodburn phases of the project.

These phases will cover:

Kirkwhelpington Build – ParishesWoodburn Build – Parishes
BavingtonBirtley  (remainder, adding on from Barrasford build)
Wallington DemesneWoodburn

We are having a couple of public meetings for any questions

The government has approved B4RN’s proposal to bring 1000Mbps fibre broadband direct to EVERY property in the parish our projects cover.  

The hope is that work might start on the Kirkwhelpington build in early summer which is when the Barrasford part of the project will hopefully have reached the ‘handover’ point near Bavington.

What can you do to help ensure this becomes a reality?  

Volunteering – Do you live in the Kirkwhelpington or Woodburn build area?

We are looking for more people to help with the coming phases of the project.  It is a good way to get out and about and to meet your neighbours.  We may need help with; speaking to other residents to make sure no-one is left out; local land- owners, putting ‘Wayleave’ agreements in place; walking the routes to ensure the best ways are chosen in detail on the ground; and the myriad of other tasks needed to make this project a reality.   

Come along to our public meetings to find out more about the project, and how you can help.

Investment opportunity

We are still looking for individual local community investment to go along with grants and government funding sources to ensure we get all the phases of the project over the line.  

You can invest as little as £100 into B4RN shares and will receive a 5% interest payment each year (in the form either of further shares, or cash, as you prefer) for the 3 year minimum life of the investment.  

If you invest £1,500, your connection fee will be waived – usually £60  

You can request your funds back after the 3 years, the money having been used in the meantime to fund this fantastic not for profit project, which will also provide free broadband to our local schools, village halls and churches.  

Any amount really does help.

If you would like to know more about investing, please use the following link  If you would rather wait until work has actually started, there is a pledge form which you can sign to show your interest and to help show B4RN that there will be further investment coming from the local community as the project starts. 

Spread the word/sign up

Within the Kirkwhelpington and Woodburn build areas we still please need those who have not already done so to reply to the email from B4RN confirming your continued interest.  B4RN are collating the ‘Interest’ replies.

We do appreciate that not everyone will have spare money to invest, or time and energy to volunteer, but you can please all help by talking to friends and neighbours about this project which will be a huge benefit to everyone – world class broadband, resilient and future-proofed.  What’s not to like? 

More sign-ups are always welcome and continue to unlock government funding for us all.

More information on B4RN services can be found on their website at   

Thank you for getting us this far, let us now continue towards Kirkwhelpington and Woodburn.

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